Elizabeth: The Golden Age

I was supposed to write a short story for English, but I somehow went tumbling through the lanes of procrastination, and ended up watching Elizabeth: The Golden Age (watching movies is one of the better forms of procrastination for me- better than the alternatives that I have recently found myself doing, including searching for grandfather clocks on ebay, and belting out 'We Belong Together' by Mariah Carey into a gluestick with my sister (accompanied by a dance too, of course)).

I started watching the film, knowing that it had won the Academy Award for Best Costume Design, but it was only after 10 minutes into the film that I realised HOLY CRAPPITYMAPPITY, THESE ACADEMY PEOPLE REALLY DO KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING, THE COSTUMES ARE MAGNIFICENT.

YES! MAGNIFICENT! I think I actually gasped at some point in the movie, the pleats and scrunches are exquisite, and the frilly lace neck collar things are amazing. I wish I could get away with wearing a frilly lace neck collar thing. But people on the street would start honking their horns at me and I'd probably be lassooed and burnt at a stake.

The lighting of the whole film is also amazing. If you ever get to watch the film (or you have already), note the scenes where the white horses are jumping into the water and all the ships are on fire. The shot where the Raleigh guy is swimming under the water, and its all orange and bubbly behind him, and it fades to complete and calm blueness.

Also note: her suit of armour-

My mind is blown. LOOK AT THAT CAPE. Those flowers and those swirls!!! And the armour itself!! I had no idea people could do these sorts of things to metal. All those pleats and folds and layer after layer of metal. It is all very baffling, did people employ magic to make the armour?!.

Earmuffed © 2010
Adapted from layout by Quite Random