The crazy whirlwind of assignments that was the last two weeks of school is now OVER. Now I can go back to blogging double time. Get out your good china teacups, it's time to catch up. So what have I been up to?
1. I nearly cried over Maths, I nearly cried over Extension History (half a mark 'til full marks! COME ON, WHY CAN'T TEACHERS BE NICER. IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME!!). My throat practically exploded after my 20 minute Design & Tech speech. I nearly cried over Chemistry. I sulked as everyone except me received an award at presentation day.
2. Jenny's birthday was on Monday. We baked a hundred cupcakes, stuck her presents on the ceiling, and made her boyfriend pick her up so she could retrieve them.
3. MY NEW CAMERA CAME. It feels a little derogative to refer to it as 'my camera'. Or even to refer to it as an 'it'. We've shared so many good moments already, even though it has only been approximately 28 hours. But you know what they say about honeymoon periods... I hope it never ends. I basically went crazy and took pictures of anything and anyone who would allow it (namely my sister...)

Beauty and the Beast. Go figure which is which.

I'm still marvelling over how clear the images are. IT'S LIKE NOT GRAINY AT ALL. ITS AMAAAAAAAZING!! I can't stop taking close up pictures of my face, you can see all my pores and mini hairs and freckles!!! As demonstrated by the photo below, you can see all my little skin bumps and my individual eyelashes AND EVEN THOSE BUMPY THINGIES IN THE COLOURED PART OF MY EYE!!!

And lastly, a picture of the camera itself:

4. The half grade-wide Secret Santa thing I organised was ALMOST A SUCCESS. There was a Santa Claus and cupcakes and heaps of sweaty people milling around waiting for their presents. What I received: a 'Chill with Tchaikovsky' CD (YAAAAAAAAAAY), and 'Breakfast at Tiffany's', 'Funny Face' and 'Sabrina', all starring Audrey Hepburn (TRIPLE YAAAAAAAAAY!!!)