I just got home from a party, it’s a lot closer to midnight than I’d like it to be, and the last place I really should be is sitting here blogging.
I had this whole homework plan set out for today. I was going to finish everything today so I can enjoy my Sundays for once. My weekends in a nutshell: Saturdays: put off doing homework, and Sundays: doing homework last minute. I even made this checklist in my diary so I could tick everything off once they were complete.
But they’re still sitting there, unticked. I went to a party, and despite the fact that all we did was sit on granny chairs, immerse ourselves in the trivial details of our own lives, and scream at a phone ringing whilst watching ‘Jaws 2’, I.Am.So.Glad.I.Went.
I need to do this kind of stuff more often- you know, actually have some fun. I think sometimes I tell myself that I can’t do this, can’t do that because homework, school and whatnot is calling. But all I ever do is procrastinate the time away anyway.
I’m still deciding whether I should go to hell with it and go shopping tomorrow, but if I do, I better get some sleep. Goodnight. (Actually, it’s 11:59PM right now and I doubt anyone will be reading this within the next minute. So I guess good morning.)
♥ Du Jour
SURPRISE! The first ♥ Du Jour in months! Sorry, this won't be a regular thing though. I just thought I'd do one every so often (not weekly though), whenever I feel writer's (blogger's?) block rising up. Okay here goes!
1. Lula Magazine: It's like a picture book filled with whimsical photos and illustrations. It's like a circus, a fair and a fairytale all mushed into a magazine. I LOVE IT, the photo editorials are so dream-like and ethereal, the type and design of the pages are wonderful, the whole magazine looks really clean and simple, and the clothes are amazing.

2. All white interiors: I feel the need to redecorate my room again. My room just feels so cluttered and warm at the moment, and I just want to get rid of everything and have SPAAAAACE and LIIIIIIIGHT. I'm thinking all white. It can't be that hard, everything is already white except for one wall, which I could just paint over. Inspirational pictures:
3. Chitchats in cafes on cold winter days: It's occuring more often nowadays, where I find myself drifting towards coffee shops when I'm out with friends. We would order something warm, sit around a table, and talk about anything and everything. Just a few weeks ago, a couple of friends and I sat at Starbucks in Circular Quay for close to two hours, just talking about lovermen and childhoods. It was lovely.
4. Chanel two-toned stockings: I have no idea why I'm so obssessed with them at the moment, but I think they'd be exhilarating to wear. They'd make any pair of legs look endlessly long, and theres the whole surprise element when you walk past a person who at first thought you had cream coloured stockings on, then they realise that your stockings are black at the back. I WANT A PAIR SO BAD, but they're $230 a pair. Sigh.

5. Amazing finds on ebay: I know I'm spending waaaaay too much time and money on ebay, but I love finding a pair of wonderful shoes or a really nice ring on ebay, for dirt cheap prices. Its a really nice progression of emotions: first you see the godly shoes/ring/whatever you're looking for. Your heart skips a beat, your breath is taken away by the beauty of it. You glance over at the price nervously, thinking it has to cost heaaaps. You realise that it is ridiculously cheap, your pulse quickens, you start sweating with excitement. You click the item, a little bit of doubt crosses your mind; what if it's the wrong size? What if the seller is a psycho? What if the item once belonged to a dead person? After you are reassured that yes, it's your size! And the seller is completely sane! And the item is brand new! Your stomach whoops and you sigh with relief and then you place your bid and win the item and wait excitedly, checking your post everyday until the item arrives. It's a wonderful process.
Earmuffed.com's 1 year anniversary is nearing, and I want a change. I don't know what yet. I'm happy with the layout at current, but everything is starting to feel repetitive. Perhaps Jenny and I will reinstall the comments? I was also thinking of starting outfit posts, but Jenny is insistently lazy and refuses to participate, so that idea is dead (unless you guys can convince her to stop being such a party pooper *nudge nudge hint hint*).
The Camp Post
We’re back from camp, which was AWESOME! And I’ve never felt cleaner. Theresa wishes to apologise because she did not post last Tuesday so we are going to do a joint post to relive the disgusting unbelievable things we did at Camp. (Hi this is Theresa, I'm gonna write my bits in red okiedokies?)
Eating from disgusting, dirty, public lost-property plates: we brought plastic plates to camp, thinking we were being clever, as we could just dispose of them after use, instead of having to wash up. How wrong we were, the people wouldn’t accept plastic plates for some odd reason, and made us eat off dirty plates that were probably contained an infestation of herpes.
Sand/pee/stain/HERPES INFESTED beds: We walked into our cabins to be greeted with rows of metal frames with a piece of sandy, suspiciously pee-like smelling, stain infested mattresses thrown upon them. That’s right, I refuse to acknowledge them as so called “beds”.
On the first night we were naïve enough to think that we could all sleep together in one single bed simply for the heck of it. So we managed to fit four people onto a single bed with one blanket to share. Those on the edge ended up having a love-hate relationship with the metal ladder right next to them because it was the only thing keeping them from falling off, but was also radiating a lot of coldness.
Being completely soaked through 80% of our time awake: whether it was rain, lakewater or mud, we were pretty much saturated the entire time. Fortunately for me, I packed more than required. Unfortunately for those who laughed at me for overpacking, they were soaked through and ran out of clothes to wear. On the last day of camp, my suitcase weighed a HEAP MORE than it should, due to all the water and mud my clothes had soaked up. I was scared mould would start growing.
Brushing teeth and spitting on the ground: Because the bathrooms were tiny, cramped and dirty (are we starting to see a trend here?), we opted to brush our teeth outside in the corridors instead and spitting our toothpaste on the ground we had to walk past every morning. Honestly, that place should be called The Spitting Spot or something. What’s even more disgusting is that we never once felt the need to not walk over that particular spot every morning. Everyone just sort of acknowledged that they had spat there and continued walking.
We didn’t shower for the first 36 hours or so of camp: I saw no point to it. I was completely soaked due to the rain, and rain was clean right? The rain was probably cleaner than the creek water that was running out of the taps. And the showers were dark, smelly, small, and there were strange hairs all over the walls.
Crazy dancing: I swear the disco at the end of one of the nights was one of their many attempts at getting us as tired as possible. But hey, it was fun and very year 10 formal like. When ‘Low’ by Flo Rida came on and everyone kind of just lost their heads and dropped LOW LOW LOW until our thighs died. Many Congo lines also formed and so too did many circle of us girls trapping guys in a circle in attempts to get them to dance. At one point we even attempted to pull off a guy’s girly shirt (the theme was transgender). I don't know. Don't ask me.
Doing an (almost) nudie run after showering: yes, we eventually decided to shower on the second day of camp, after being saturated in river water and mud. As I mentioned above, the showers were extremely small, and I wasn’t going to spend a second longer than I had to in them. So I figured that the smart thing to do was to run from the shower to my room in a towel, and chuck on clothes in the actual cabin (dirty as the cabins were, they were bigger than the showers). As soon as I stepped out of the bathroom with a towel on, I realised what a grave mistake I had made. The corridor was packed with guys, and I had no choice but to run down the corridor, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. It did not help that my cabin was the furthest possible from the bathroom. Nor the fact that all the guys from the cabin opposite ours had decided to crowd around the door of our cabin, eating/fighting/doing what typical males do in each other’s companionship.
Ridiculous attempts at trying to keep dry/clean: Everytime we pulled someone up a giant swing and they were safely swinging and screaming their heads off, you’d see my whole activity group running to a puddle and cleaning their hands on the surface. And whenever it rained, you’d be able to see us all run to hide behind various poles and lying to ourselves that it was keeping us dry. We would have been a hilarious bunch to watch.
Prodding animal carcasses: it was a known fact of the day, that I could not, even if my life depended on it, row a kayak in a straight line. Nope, I’d zigzag through the creek, hitting one bank, pushing off the bank with my oar, until I hit the opposite bank. I reached a bank with a particularly funky looking tree on it. So I decided to prod it with my oar, because pushing off a funky looking tree was funner than just plainly pushing off the muddy bank. Being about 3cm away from it, I soon realised that the funky tree had fur. And legs. And ears. And suddenly, the funky tree wasn’t a tree anymore, no it was a dead kangaroo.
Get snorted at by a llama: The camp owns a whole lot of animals including ducks and llamas. One day after lunch, we decided it would be nice of us to acquaint ourselves with the pet llama. Turns out it was just as sick as we were and ended up sneezing and spraying us all with some sort of fluid after completely devouring the leaves we fed it.
There were also rumours that the hot chocolate/sausages we were being fed were made of llama milk/meat- I had much fun spreading it.
Not brushing my teeth: I decided to sleep in one morning, despite everyone’s extremely loud talking and door-banging. Not such a clever idea; I was practically late for breakfast, and had to rush there. Then I realised that I had not brushed my teeth, nor washed my face, and my hair was probably sticking up. But what the heck, I had probably caught herpes, I wasn’t showered, practically flashed to nearly the whole entire male population of our grade, and had drunken both rain and creek water. A few hairs out of place and bad morning breath were nothing.
Getting completely soaked in mud during the Commando game: This is a game where we’re all let off loose in the forest in pitch dark with no torches. The aim was the rescue some hostages whilst trying to avoid teachers with torches. We ended up literally crawling and lying like starfish in the mud. Apparently we were one of the only ones actually bothered to get so immersed in the game to literally swim in mud. But hey, I’m so glad we did because it was so thrilling and I got so muddy it has redefined the words “dirty”, “wet”, and “cold” for me.
Right after the game, there was a mad dash back to the campsite because no one wanted to miss out on the (cold, herpes infested) showers. It was hilarious because we all ended up getting lost in the middle of it and a million people started yelling out directions and no one knew who to listen to.
But despite all the above, they were what made camp so fun and awesome. So what if the weather wasn't co-operating, so what if everything was herpes infested? I had the best time.
Camp Fever
So camp is drawing closer. It is actually in four days, but I’ve been looking forward to it for so long it still feels like ages away.
My excitement for camp has been dangerously fluctuating these past days.
I found out yesterday that I have an Integration exam right after camp. That’s three days from my study time, and I need all the time I can get! (read: I totally bombed my last exam. I need to redeem myself) It's also so stupid because I was actually starting to feel redundant with nothing to stress about after our exams. I guess this is what happens when I take stress-free-ness for granted- I get landed with another load of stress.
But it’s cool, all this camp related Twitter activity has revived my excitement, which may or may not be good for me study-wise. But I shouldn’t let some measly tutor test ruin my last school camp. I don’t remember everything being so hyped up during year nine camp. I even remember thinking I had made a bad choice in going because everything looked and sounded so dismal. And how wrong was I. Hopefully things won't end up being ironic enough for this camp to be overrated.
So whilst everyone seemed to be shopping at Westfield’s today buying stockings and whatnot, I promised myself I’d spend the day homeworking my backside off so I can spend the rest of my days Integrating (Great fun, hmm). But instead I spent it watching cheesy Korean dramas with my sister. I realised how much I miss laughing my head off at the lameness only Asian dramas can provide. They’re so exaggerated they’re hilarious.
I want to re-watch the dramas I had watched before and see if I can still see why I was so fanatic about them. I was actually tempted to start ‘Smiling Pasta’, the first drama I had ever watched, also the first of my drama obsession which was basically my life for a year or so. I wonder if I’ll fall off my chair laughing at the stupidity of the (always) naïve female protagonist, or swoon and fall in love with the (almost, but not always) male one all over again.
But of course, as always, homework calls. And so I guess that also calls for an end of blog post.
Trends I Am Sick Of
Some of these trends are so sickening, I could grow bulimic just looking at them:
- Huge oversized fluoro/neon slogan shirts: especially the ones that say really stupid things like 'I LOVE MY BOYFRIEND/YOUR BOYFRIEND/EDWARD CULLEN/ETC'. A minimal amount of neon accessories are fine, but please do not wear a FLUORO PINK SHIRT that makes you look like a highlighter threw up all over you.
- Gladiator sandals: I'm sure everyone is pretty much sick of this now, it has been around for like a decade and people are still trotting around in them thinking they're so trendy and all. Sorry but gladiator sandals are no longer trendy, they were on the runway around 3 seasons around, they're not hot. In fact, they're more stale than my sense of humour, so please dump them in a bonfire and use them as fuel to toast your marshmallows.
- Denim-leggings: they look like a pair of jeans printed on a pair of leggings (no wait, they ARE a pair of jeans printed on a pair of leggings). They're a stupid excuse to not wear pants. You're better off just walking around in your panties.
- Crocs: They make you look like a teletubby, they're not cool or trendy or funny (that is, if you're trying to dress up as a teletubby and look funny). They may be comfortable, but save them for the living room, they look stupid.
- Ugg boots: ditto ditto
- 3/4 leggings: How can someone put on a pair of these and walk out of the house? Whether with a skirt or as an alternative for pants, ARE YOU FREAKING BLIND. Do you not comprehend that these 3/4 leggings make your legs look 7/4 times wider and 2/4 (or shall I say 1/2) times shorter, SO WHY?! How many times must I go through the fundamentals of lines: vertical lines make you look taller and thinner, horizontal lines make you look shorter and stumpier. You do not want a horizontal line cutting across your calves.
- Shutter glasses: They're impractical and look stupid. I don't get it. Do you get it? How are you supposed to see? What if you walk into a post box? What if you hug a stranger thinking he was your boyfriend? What if you trip over a speed hump and fall on your face and shatter your stupid shutter glasses and they explode and the shattered shutter glasses spear your eyeballs and then you're permanently blind and then you'd perpetually walk into post boxes and hug strangers and trip over speed humps?! IT'S AN INESCAPABLE CYCLE, don't wear shutter glasses.
It’s over, guys! Exams are over, yeahhh!
That thought might have hit me a little too early yesterday, when I sat through the last hour or so of my last exam thinking ‘Yes, not long ‘til I’m out of here. Not long ‘til I can sleep again! Not long ‘til I don’t need to live in a library anymore!’ all while my exam paper stared and laughed at me.
I noticed a lot of people were doing the same, and there was a time when I literally burst out in a fit of muffled giggles when I noticed the number of people around me bobbing their legs up and down with nothing else to do. I probably imagined the part where they were doing so in synch, but that didn’t help.
I love the feeling I get when I walk out of an exam hall- it’s this exhilarating feeling of relief, and I feel it every single time, even when I know that I absolutely totally bombed the exam.
And right now, it’s that feeling multiplied a billion times. Yes, that is champagne you hear still popping in the background.
I am going to continue basking in the feeling of freeness now- what better way to start off my mini-three-day-weekend by watching 'Gossip Girl'. I am so very behind with that- I promised myself I’d wait until post-exams to watch it as a reward and I’m dying to see this scene everyone seems to be talking about.
Celebratory Post For Future Self-Imposed Spending Ban
I really should be studying for Ancient History. But I'm not really in the mood for 5000 year old preserved icemen and their stomach contents, especially not while I'm eating ('cause that's all I do these days, study, eat and buy things). Speaking of buying things, I just spent my Ebay account to the ground, so I'm calling an official spending-ban. If you see me spending, please hit me. Anyway, due to demands, I'll post my purchases and other stuff from the past week. Savour it while it lasts, it'll be one of my final purchases post for a while:
I bought a heap of statement rings (as mentioned last week), here's my collection and a few of my favourites:
I was also fortunate enough to receive a free bag of Diva goodies. Yippee! Not what I'd usually buy, but nice to have:
Also as mentioned last week, I chopped several pairs of jeans into shorts. I still have yet to finish the second pair, but here's my first:
The happiest news of all: I finally received my red patent Dr Martens! I was so giddy with excitement that I pranced around my house for practically half an hour in them after I received them:
Oh, and while I was taking pictures of all the above, I happened to glance over at my study table and almost shrunk back into the corner in disgust. I thought I'd share it with you, for the sake of lengthening this post:
Lets take a closer look at the floor:
Anywhos, for those who don't know yet: I GOT MY HAAAAAAAAAIRCUTTTTTTT. I don't want to provide any pictures yet, I want to give enough time for the people who matter to see me in person with the new haircut, as opposed to finding it out on my blog first. But I'll describe it as best as I can: it's a pixie; really really short, shorter than most of the guys in my grade, with a choppy sidefringe and its all asymmetrical at the front (what's left of it). Yeah. That's just a warning, so you don't have a heart attack if you see me in person.
Anyway, I think I am prepared to take on the 5000 year old men and nine layers of Troy again! Au revoir!
P.S. For the readers who are in the know of my internetz life, no I'm not uncapped, I'm just dedicated
Where's Wally?
I quite like the exam period. Blog views on earmuffed soar, and procrastination is accompanied with the birth of newfound useless tasks.
I actually thought I had discovered some hidden talent when I was able to find Wally within the first ten seconds of my initial attempts.
But alas, I was proven wrong (like I have been countless times before). I totally suck at this stuff.
And so because I think you all need to procrastinate a little more than you all already are, WHERE'S WALLY? (click to enlarge)
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