It seems that every time I decide to venture into the city with
Van, we end up lost, desperate and sweaty. Take last time for example- we wanted to go to Pancakes on the Rocks; Van thought that the place was actually on
a rock, near Central station. We ended up walking directionlessly to Town Hall station, until we realised that we were very
very lost.
This time, we were already thirty minutes behind schedule, and trying to get to this indie theatre that no one has ever heard of. I relied on Google maps to point me in the right direction,
but alas, it failed us. It pointed us to
the wrong side of the harbour. So we ran around desperately, handbags flailing on our shoulders, maps clutched in our sweaty palms, asking surprisingly nice construction workers where the cinema was.
We ended up running around the entire harbour (that's right ladies and gents, from
one side of the harbour bridge to
the other side, and no, not across the bridge. Around. On land).
In my delirious state, I actually ran up two flights of stairs into a
bar, and breathlessly asked the poor bar man
"are we too late to watch the Chanel movie?" and when he replies with a confused stare, I repeat even more loudly "
THE CHANEL MOVIE!! HAS IT STARTED?!?!?!" Luckily, Van caught up with me and reminded me to look up at the sign that says 'bar', or perhaps
behind the bar man for the numerous liquor bottles and wine glasses, and maybe
realise that the bar was actually a bar and not a theatre desk.It turns out that we were in the wrong building, and that the cinema was actually a few more minutes of running away.
We finally arrived at the theatre and watched
Coco Avant Chanel dangerously close to the screen. No I actually mean
dangerously close. You know when something is so close to your eye that is actually out of focus? Well the screen was so close to my face that it was out of focus. It was all a dizzying blur, which I was okay with most of the time, except when it came to the hot and stuffy sex scenes. As some of you might not be familiar with hot and stuffy sex scenes, they usually involve zooming right in, abstract movements and very dim lighting. All this combined with breathy noises, plus the screen RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FACE was extremely nauseating.
But other than that, THE MOVIE WAS FUDGING AMAZING. I am serious, THAT MOVIE
CHANGED MY LIFE!! I walked out of the cinema dazed (it may have been due to the fact that I had run for twenty minutes prior to the cinema, then sat like 10 cm away from the cinema screen), and all I could think about was... EVERYTHING. The movie made me question so many things- design; not necessarily fashion, social conventions,
marriage, men, life,
everything! I am totally serious, that movie is making me really think.
Some screencaps:

Some other things I did, although I don't remember in what order, include:
- wandering into massive book sales and buying everything
- buying $10 pancakes, which I now regret
- buying $5 icecream, which I also now regret
- going perfume shopping, although I didn't end up buying anything (wallet was emptied prior to this point in time, buying wasn't an option)
- going lingerie shopping, although I didn't end up buying anything (wallet had not magically filled up with money by this point in time, buying wasnt an option)
- convincing the cute McDonalds guy to give Van large chips
- paying the cute McDonalds guy, saying 'keep the change!' and walking off, forgetting to grab the bottle of water I bought

At Pancakes on the Rocks. This time, we knew the place wasn't on a rock, and managed to get there hassle-free.

Asking a nice gentleman for directions.

That was where we were. Do you see the Opera house on the other side, across the vast vast sea? We ran to there.

Insanely reduced books. Do you see that sign? TWO BOOKS FOR $10. Isn't that amazing?!

Pictures above + below: the bags and bags of books Van & I bought. Teehee I'm so happy with my book purchases.

On another note, I was supposed to blog about my new room ages ago, but my shopping has managed to leak out of their shopping bags and now I have shoe boxes, books and plastic bags all over my floor. I'll take pictures once I remember to clean up my room. Which might not be for a while, I am way behind schedule for my Design & Technology dress. Why did I opt for something so overly ambitious and tedious?!?!